Pa and Riet came over labor day weekend, and I couldn't resist taking this adorable picture! She loves grandpa!!!
This was just a day at the park, but I had fun taking pics of my kiddos. Don't you just love Allies crazy hair!! She's got it goin on in the front, with nothin in the back!!!! :) It almost looks like a hairpiece!!
Speaking of hair, I'm lovin doing Emily's hair lately. The hair that she cut is finally growing out so I can do it again! Emily loves having her hair done, although she's not the happiest camper while it's being done! We're growing out her bangs, and I think she looks adorable! She's getting so big!
Hooray for pigtails!!!
Allie was 5 1/2 months when she started sitting up! This was the first time that she actually did it. We put pillows all around her so she wouldn't hurt herself too badly when she fell, which worked out well! I can't believe she's already sitting up....crazy!!
Alright!!! I think we're all caught up!!! Yippeee!!