Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our Little Rock Star

I was so excited to get Guitar Hero for Wii this Christmas. I had only played it once before at Jared and Heathers house, but I knew I would love it. I had no idea how much Jonathan would like it! I hesitated at first when he said he wanted to play with me, but decided that he was old enough to be careful with the guitar. We were so amazed to find out that he actually gets the whole concept, and does really well with it! It only took him a few songs before he was able to play through a song. And now, a month after Christmas, he gets 80-90% of the notes right in the easy mode. It's funny to watch him too because he concentrates really hard while he's playing, and then when there's a break with no notes, he rocks out, swinging the guitar around and dancing. It's pretty darn funny! We have our own little rock star!


Naomi said...

I wanted to get a Wii for Christmas SO BAD! But, with the move and all, that sort of fell down on the "budgeted for" list. I LOVE playing Rock Band (I think it is similar to Guitar Hero)! I wish we could play together! That would be so fun! My favorite are the drums. Hopefully we will get one soon so I can get practicing! :) J. is darling with the guitar. I bet he and Abigail would have a blast!

Naomi said...

Yes, and by the way. . . my snake issues have much improved. I still don't touch them, but at least I don't go into convulsions and have nightmares if I spend an afternoon around them. . . oh, the memories. :) So glad you were there!

Lindeyjepson said...

he's such a little rock star!

Jared Buchanan said...

Ahh yeah...when you come out next, we'll have to see how he does on the drums.