Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another one bites the dust!

Well, not really dust, more like bathtub! I was giving Jonathan and Emily a bath last night before bed, but had only gotten 5 minutes into it when Emily slipped and hit her chin on the side of the bathtub. I felt like such a horrible mom because I was sitting right there next to the tub. Jonathan and I were playing with toys, and I just couldn't catch Emily fast enough. Once I heard the thud on the side of the bathtub, I knew it would be pretty serious. So I wrapped her in a towel and tried to find what had happened. Thankfully she didn't bite her tongue, but she split open her chin pretty badly. It didn't bleed that much, but the advice nurse said that since it was gaping open(sorry, it's kinda gross!) she may need it glued or stitched shut. So, Emily and I took a fun trip to the emergency room last night at 9pm. They actually got us in pretty quick, which was great since we all know trying to keep a 1 year old in your lap is impossible! The doctor took a quick look at it, and announced Emily would need stitches! Joy of all joys. I got a little teary eyed when she told me this, so she quickly told me I didn't have to be in the room, and she could get other people to hold her so I didn't have to. I took her up on the second part, but decided that I would suck it up and stay there with Emily. It's so hard to see your kids hurt, but this seemed especially hard as I sat there next to her and let two big guys hold her down while the doctor gave her a shot to numb it, and then stitched it up. She cried the whole time, and it took all my strength to keep from blubbering right along with her! But, I'm very proud to say that, aside from the teary mist in my eyes, I made it out of the ER without breaking down! I saved that for when we got to the car! It seems so lame, but this is the first time we've had to deal with anything like this. The only trips to the ER we've made were when I was in labor or when Jonathan had a high fever. So, I'm a big baby, but I'm glad that it's over with! Emily was smiling and waving bye to the doctors five minutes after they were done, and it made me so glad she is such a happy little girl! I know there are much worse things to go through, and I'm sure I'll have my fair share of them, but we'll hope it's not too soon!

It's not bugging her at all today! She's her happy little self!


heather b. said...

Poor Emily!

gnomeswife77 said...

You did a great job! Way to go mama!

melissabastow said...

Yikes. We have never done stitches. Mainly we just do huge goose eggs and possible (yet, still never real) concussions. I am just waiting for the time that there is blood involved....not so excited, really. It sounds like you did great at the ER. For some reason I don't get teary eyed in situations like that. Anytime my kids are freaking out in public (whether from pain or just being a pain) I laugh...I don't know why. It's horrible. And people look at me like I'm such a jerk. I can't help it - it's a reflex! I think I would rather just get teary eyed. It seems so much more appropriate.

Hopefully you won't have to go through a stitches experience for awhile now that you have one out of the way. Kind of like you filled your injury quota for the year. Oh, and I would totally not feel bad about not catching her in time. Kids might as well be bars of soap in the tub - even if you could have caught her, she would have slipped out of your hands anyway!

Naomi said...

Ah! So not fun! For us, we are up to two bloody noses, one fat lip, one black eye, and the usual bumps and bruises. . . . just in the past few weeks! My kids are enjoying "wrestling" with each other lately. . . it is so cute, however the giggles turn into tears pretty quickly!

Naomi said...

Hey! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Juli! Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a happy day!
:) Naomi